The Rise of Devils is out now!!

Get your copy of The Rise of Devils today on Amazon or Barnes and Noble! A science-fiction and western tale, The Rise of Devils is full of whizzing bullets, dastard lies, and snarling undead. Each sinful devil must decide who is trustworthy and who is expendable. Despite the cruelties they commit that blur the lines of humanity,Continue reading “The Rise of Devils is out now!!”

The Time is Now!

The short-story collection The Rise of Devils has officially crossed into Beta Stage I. This means I need volunteers to enter the land of Glen Rio as architects and help me find and capture the beating heart hidden deep within the story and polish it up for publication. This means you, dear reader! If youContinue reading “The Time is Now!”

Thought of the Day: Criticism

Often the voice of criticism comes from ourselves. The thought of quitting because you aren’t good enough or the voice saying your art sucks is a great battle to fight but that’s not what this post is about. This post is about handling outside criticism. Let’s say you published your poem, uploaded your children’s book,Continue reading “Thought of the Day: Criticism”

I am humbled by you…thanks

When thinking about how to build a community it took me a long while to come up with the concept. Now that I have the idea I realize I’m in a field populated by only a handful of other streamer-authors. I was pretty sure the beginning would be extremely rough. When I started my YouTubeContinue reading “I am humbled by you…thanks”

No Struggle? No Story…

Without a weakness or a need your story ends before it has the chance to begin. Mary-Sue (male or female), that is a person with no perceivable weaknesses or flaws, makes for a boring character. It is possible to place this character in interesting situations but that is the literary equivalent of boiling steak andContinue reading “No Struggle? No Story…”