No Devil’s Bane story this week!

The Rise of Devils book 1 is now complete in pre-publishing phase. This week I spent most of my time making final changes and making the first submission to a publishing house. I hope this submission bears good results but this begins the search for a home for my novels. Wish me luck and nextContinue reading “No Devil’s Bane story this week!”

The Devil’s Bane #9

They chained the man to a post in a clearing just beyond a dwindling muddy brook. He strained against the cuffs around his wrists violently as spittle collected on the edges of his mouth. He grunted at us, baring his teeth, speaking in a language I didn’t understand. The look in his eye was erraticContinue reading “The Devil’s Bane #9”

The Devil’s Bane #2

I’ve never been a religious man, but tonight I found myself praying harder than I ever had in my life. I was never comfortable with the concept of death. Now that it was looming over me like a dark and heavy shadow, I realized I was terrified. The jail cell squealed open and the guardsContinue reading “The Devil’s Bane #2”

The Devil’s Bane #1

I just saw a man die today and now I’m going to hang for it. I can barely believe my poor luck. His was name Mr. Oldbarrows who owns a pelt shop down by Castor River. He was talking to me about the morning weather when suddenly his face exploded. That’s what it looked likeContinue reading “The Devil’s Bane #1”

Announcement: The Devil’s Bane!

The Devil’s Bane will be a precursor series of intertwined blog posts that collectively make a prequel story to The Rise of Devils. Best of all it’s 100% Free!. Every Saturday there will be a new post continuing the story of The Devil’s Bane that will conclude on the eve of publication of the RiseContinue reading “Announcement: The Devil’s Bane!”

Editing Recommendations?

I’m looking for an editor. Arguably one of the most important stages of a novel’s pre-production is the editing phase and now that the beta editing phase is over, it’s time for the professional side. If you have any recommendations for an editor please dm me their details. Pricing isn’t the issue so much asContinue reading “Editing Recommendations?”

The Time is Now!

The short-story collection The Rise of Devils has officially crossed into Beta Stage I. This means I need volunteers to enter the land of Glen Rio as architects and help me find and capture the beating heart hidden deep within the story and polish it up for publication. This means you, dear reader! If youContinue reading “The Time is Now!”

I’m on bookshelves!!!

Huge shoutout to Wild Lark Books for agreeing to put my first two novels on their shelves. Brianne van Reenen, the owner, was so very warm and patient with my questions regarding placement and sales of the novels. It was such a pleasant conversation and I walked out of her bookstore feeling like a millionContinue reading “I’m on bookshelves!!!”

Thought of the Day: Criticism

Often the voice of criticism comes from ourselves. The thought of quitting because you aren’t good enough or the voice saying your art sucks is a great battle to fight but that’s not what this post is about. This post is about handling outside criticism. Let’s say you published your poem, uploaded your children’s book,Continue reading “Thought of the Day: Criticism”