S.I.B.A. Safe

Writing Prompt: Write a story about someone feeling powerless. ‘Shh…quiet…Shut the fuck up! Look, there it is,’ snapped Rob, peeking from behind a garbage collector in a foggy alleyway. Jonesy and Petra quieted down to stare at a sleek silver vehicle hovering down the busy boulevard.  ‘What’s it doing in these parts?’ asked Petra, adjustingContinue reading “S.I.B.A. Safe”

They Got Your Nose Wrong

Writing Prompt: Write a story about someone who travels to the future, and isn’t happy about how they’ve been remembered. FPO password accepted. Access granted. Begin Plunge. *** Success! The warp-catch threw me against the wall of an empty sixteen by sixteen foot apartment. I landed with a thud and gasped as my breath wasContinue reading “They Got Your Nose Wrong”