Stepping Out of Comfort

Arguably, one of the hardest steps to take in the journey of authorship, or any artistic venture for that matter, is the first step. Whether you be a painter, poet, or writer, starting on a blank canvas or empty page is daunting. This doesn’t have to necessarily be the case however. I’ve published two novelsContinue reading “Stepping Out of Comfort”

Thought of the Day: Criticism

Often the voice of criticism comes from ourselves. The thought of quitting because you aren’t good enough or the voice saying your art sucks is a great battle to fight but that’s not what this post is about. This post is about handling outside criticism. Let’s say you published your poem, uploaded your children’s book,Continue reading “Thought of the Day: Criticism”

No Struggle? No Story…

Without a weakness or a need your story ends before it has the chance to begin. Mary-Sue (male or female), that is a person with no perceivable weaknesses or flaws, makes for a boring character. It is possible to place this character in interesting situations but that is the literary equivalent of boiling steak andContinue reading “No Struggle? No Story…”