Stepping Out of Comfort

Arguably, one of the hardest steps to take in the journey of authorship, or any artistic venture for that matter, is the first step. Whether you be a painter, poet, or writer, starting on a blank canvas or empty page is daunting. This doesn’t have to necessarily be the case however.

I’ve published two novels and am working on a few other projects yet I still encounter firsts. For example, I have never approached other companies to ask them to display my novels on their bookshelves yet I have to do that if people are to read my stories. It’s always an egotistical risk to ask the owner of a store to display your content.

Yet, I can say, that is what I did two days ago. A newly opened bookstore with a mantra on bringing authors together and displaying their content is a perfect scenario for any author or writer. What’s even better was the owner was very sweet and accommodating to my questions. I left the store feeling confident and very soon followed up with an email with links to my novels with the hope of beginning a fruitful artistic relationship.

The whole point to this post isn’t that you should get a yes or a no. In fact, most of us artists could use a no to bolster our persistence. That topic is a post for another time. The message is, you put yourself out there. Yes or no doesn’t matter. Don’t let shame or embarrassment stop you from achieving your vision like it tries to me. If you want it badly, go for it.

If you got a yes, good for you. If you got a no, that’s just as well. Keep putting yourself out there. Keep telling the story you want to tell. By succumbing to the pressure you prevent the world from seeing life from your perspective. Don’t let that happen.

I believe in you.

If you have any experience with no’s or yeses please feel free to tell me about them in the comments below. I would love to know your thoughts!

Published by authorjmtopp

Writer/Author of Weird Fantasy

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